Drama I
For grades 9-12.
No pre-requisite or audition required.
Foundations of theatre and acting.
Theatre games, improv, scenework, Theatre history.
Fulfills the Visual and Performing Arts requirement for graduation and college prep.
Drama I (accelerated – not a formal designation)
For grades 9-12
Students enroll in Drama I and will be placed in a section for accelerated; it will not show on transcript as such)
Auditions are held in early May at ANHS. Appointments can be arranged via email at jmgolden@capousd.org.
Course designed for students interested in participating in upper level acting classes as well as productions and management of the Aliso Niguel Theatre Company.
Foundations of theatre and acting to prepare for involvement in ANTC.
Theatre games, improv, scenework, Theatre history.
Advanced level requirements in all areas.
Fulfills the Visual and Performing Arts requirement for graduation and college prep.
Advanced Drama
For grades 9-12.
Drama I pre-requisite.
Build upon techniques and principles learned in Drama I and applies them to scene work at a higher level.
Explores application of theatre history in performance styles.
May include a class production.
Actor’s Repertory
For grades 11-12.
Pre-requisite Advanced Drama and audition required.
Top level acting course.
Directing principles explored.
Auditioning concepts thoroughly explored.
Significant emphasis on production with two plays fully produced in repertory. One or both productions to be student directed.
For grades 9-12. No pre-requisite.
Explores all aspects of technical theatre.
Scenery, lighting, sound, costumes, stage management, theater management, props.
Hands-on work required.
Aliso Niguel Theatre Company productions built through this course.
Opportunities to work on ANTC crews.
Theatrical Production
For grades 10-12
Pre-requisite: Stagecraft and instructor approval.
Advanced level of Stagecraft.
Principles of theater design explored.
Students will learn basics of set design, costume design, lighting design and stage management. Some exploration of sound, props and makeup.
Each student will choose one area of focus for further study.
Each student will be assigned a design position for the Actor’s Repertory shows, fully design and produce for that show in the assigned discipline.
Drama Musical Comedy
For grades 9-12.
7th period (after school) class period
Credit for rehearsal and performance process of mainstage shows.
Enroll by cast audition or crew application only. Auditions announced early in fall semester and before second semester.
Fall play or Spring musical.
7th period (2:55-3:45) attendance required as well as other needed rehearsals throughout the play production process. Rehearsals frequently last until 5pm and can go as late as 7pm.
Drama Musical Comedy PE
Physical education credit given for the dance requirements of the spring musical
Offered second semester ONLY.
For grades 9-12.
7th period (after school) class period
Credit for rehearsal and performance process of mainstage shows.
Enroll by cast audition only. Auditions announced before second semester for spring musical.
7th period (2:55-3:45) attendance required as well as other needed rehearsals throughout the play production process. Rehearsals frequently last until 5pm and can go as late as 7pm.