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Incoming Student Info

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Here is a list of the different type of classes the ANTC provides:


-Drama 1​

-Drama 1 Acceleraed (not a formal designation)

-Advanced Drama

-Actors Repertory


-Drama Musical Comedy

-Drama Musical Comedy PE​


For a detailed description of each class, click HERE.

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7th Period

7th period is an after school class for grades 9 through 12.​ It is a class that has a required audition, and they are usually held early in the Fall semester, before our Fall play, and before second semester, before our Spring musical.​ 7th period takes place from 2:55 to 4:30/5:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. It is considered a class so if you are absent, you have to call the main office like for any other class. Rehearsals frequently last until 5pm and can go as late as 7pm. 


For more info, visit the Drama Musical Comedy section of our "Classes" page.


The Aliso Niguel Theatre staff operates just like a professional theatre company. The students plan, organize, and run everything from bonding events to marketing shows to community outreach. Mr. Golden oversees the staff, but it is essentially the students who run the company they love so much.


Click HERE to see our current Staff Board!

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Cappies is a critics and awards program that gives students the opportunity to celebrate high school theatre. Our Cappies team travels to neighboring high schools to see their shows and write reviews on them. Not only does our team participate in the community of high school arts, but we have the opportunity for our reviews to be published in the OC Register. The 2017-2018 Cappies team has two available positions, if you are interested in gaining experience and join the team, please contact:


To see our team, click HERE.


International Thespian Society

The International Thespian Society is an organization that honors the work and achievement of high school students.


Click HERE for more information and click HERE to see our troop!

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